Prof. Surya R. Kalidindi’s Lab
Georgia Institute of Technology
G.W. Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering School of Materials Science and Engineering School of Computational Science and Engineering
Our research group aims to design and launch a modern, data-centered, materials innovation cyber-ecosystem that can dramatically lower the cost and time expended in the successful deployment of new and improved materials in high-performance commercial products.
We plan to accomplish this through innovations in high throughput multimodal measurement strategies, multiscale modeling strategies, and modern data science/analytics strategies, all of which will be singularly focused on hierarchical materials (exhibiting multiple length/structure scales).
Specifically, our efforts are aimed at intimately coupling multiscale experiments with multiscale models through the design, launch, and adoption of an open-access data and knowledge curation cyber-infrastructure that is specifically designed to nucleate, nurture, grow, and sustain critically needed, highly productive, cross-disciplinary, e-collaborations for accelerated and scaled-up materials innovation.